How To Live Well On $1,000 A Month
For the time being hes happy enough with his lifestyle, but let me tell you about an alternative to penny-pinching, for adults with a low income.
Actually, Im going to re-phrase that; the problem is not that you have too low an income, its that the cost of living in countries including the USA, Canada and Ireland and Britain is too high. You dont need me to tell you that if your home is in one of those places.
To fill up a shopping cart at the supermarket costs a hundred pounds or the same in dollars. A cup of coffee in Starbucks is two dollars, a haircut is ten bucks and a short ride on a city bus $2.45. I guess some people take this in their stride, I dont, those prices seem outrageous to me. Perhaps that is tolerable if you are on a big wage, but some of us arent, and have little prospect that we ever will be.
It appears that there are just two possible ways to adapt to this situation. Either you are very careful to spend only a minimum and always looking for the cheapest option from food to clothing and housing costs, Or you focus on pushing up your income by getting a better job or doing longer hours. But what kind of life is that? Id say that it is depressing and tiring. You have little time for yourself and your family and when you are away from work, what you need most is a chance to get some sleep and relax.
For a good portion of my working life I put maximum effort into building up a business to make the income necessary to live the typical consumer lifestyle.. But doing so drained me and there came a point when I didnt feel like battling on. Despite earning a lot, I still had a bank overdraft and credit card debts.
Then I took a radical step and moved to a cheaper country. It was a revelation; I discovered that the intense effort required to make a living in the rich, or should I say rip-off, countries is unnecessary. You dont have to work like a dog to live well. In fact you can have a very pleasant life on just a fraction of the money youve required in your homeland.
Why dont more people do this and live where a dollar goes far further? I imagine part of the reason is the assumption that reduced living costs mean a poorer quality of life. In my opinion its actually the opposite. With lower costs you dont need to work so hard or for so long hours. The result is that you can relax and enjoy life very much more. There is nothing to stop you taking some free time to do the things which make life fun. Perhaps you like golf or tennis, sailing; whatever your favourite leisure activity, having the chance to do it when you choose makes a great improvement to your quality of life.
Another issue that faces you when considering moving abroad is whether you can earn money in your new country. The short answer to the question is that anyone can make money these days in any part of the planet where you can get an internet connection.
Another item to consider is where to move to. There are many possible locations. I chose Mexico and recommend it highly, but if you look at a list of the countries which make up our world, you will quickly see that there are very many other interesting possibilities. Obviously some places are not suitable, but there are more that are.
The list of factors to consider when thinking about living abroad continues with housing, local language, distance from friends and family, healthcare, education for children, crime-risk, pests, climate and more.
Ive experienced life in 6 countries and have described the advantages and drawbacks that I found in these places in an article you will probably find interesting.
Here is what one reader commented;
Robert, thank you very much to write such an excellent article on how to retire now. You've inspired me, and I'm thinking of Mexico as well. You've given much to think about. I like your attitude and philosophy. Since reading the entire article, I've already sent this to three other people just after I read it, and will be sending it to more.
Robert Seviour grew up in the UK and has lived in five other countries. He is a writer and presenter of seminars on business topics and living abroad. To see other articles by him visit http://www.27ways.caAnetta Blog97040
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