Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Making The Most Of Your Supply Chain Metrics To Leverage Competitive Advantage

The majority of KPI dashboards are in fact overloaded with metrics and the key to getting the most out of your SCM intelligence is in choosing the most appropriate metrics that are key to providing decision makers with the necessary information to deliver informed decisions when they need it. Using dashboards that are carrying large numbers of KPI's does not deliver information to SCM managers so they can make optimal decisions. Focusing on the key metrics that identify the main source of SCM business performance is vital and reducing the number of metrics used allows managers to understand better and far more intuitively what a metric is actually trying to tell them.

"Less is more" or TMI (Too Much Information) are two of the comments that you will hear from SCM experts who truly understand the components of the business supply chain from procurement, processing and through to customer delivery. In the very recent few years, with the introduction of RFID technology that allows tagging of containers, pallets and individual shipment items replete with a mass of raw data on content, models, color, specification, origination and so on , it is extremely tempting to dive in and start thinking that all this data that we are now routinely able to collect and collate can somehow be manipulated to provide SCM managers with even more information that will help them make better and more profitable decisions.

This is a short sighted approach and the reality does not match the theory that all of this information being put in front of an SCM management team is actually going to help them.

Following Pareto's Principle and focusing on the 20% of metrics that are actually telling you how 80% of SCM business performance is actually being generated does deliver better results.

The issue will become what are you going to use?

Concentrating on the basics will provide a far better SCM dashboard to equip managers to focus on the real drivers of the supply chain process. Remember we are looking to focus on cost reduction, better supplier management, shorter delivery times or better on-time delivery to customers, improving the efficiency of the manufacturing chain and being able to distil this in a format that presents information against pre-set indicators and historical trend data.

That all sounds great but let's have some specifics!

Aim to present the following and little else on your SCM dashboard:

- Production on Time and Complete
- Supplier Fulfillment on Time and Complete
- Perfect Order Fulfillment
- Perfect Order Lead Time
- Expedited Order Fulfillment
- Customer Return Rate
- Cash to Cash Cycle Time

These are seven KPI's that will provide your supply chain management team with the information that will provide them with over 80% of the indicators of SC performance. Look to provide more than this and you are heading into information replication and data overload resulting in management delays in exercising decision making power and confusion over what the metrics are actually trying to tell you.

Sam MillerAndromache Blog78434
Alejandrina Blog85483

Paying for College: Pre-High School Savings and Financial Aid

Welcome to the first installment of ePreps coverage of college financial aid. I am excited to introduce Don Betterton as the sites most recent guest expert. Don was the director of financial aid at Princeton University for thirty (30) years. During his time at Princeton, aid awards increased from $3.4 million in 1973-74 to $65 million in 2005-06. In this video, Don discusses the simple things you can do now, while your children are young, to help make paying for college easier when they are older and ready to enroll.

College Financial Aid Pre-High School Activities: Saving - The 12 Things You Need to Know

1. Putting aside money for college is a good idea, the earlier the better.

2. Saving beats borrowing hands down.

About 60% of all aid is in the form of loans, and increasing.

Saving: For example, if you start saving when your child is 5 years old, you will have 13 years to save before your child enrolls in college. If you can put aside $167 per month thats $2,000 per year you will have saved $26,000 by the time your child begins college.

With a 6% return over the thirteen-year period, your $26,000 will have grown into $40,000. That $40,000 will be available to help you pay for your childs college expenses like tuition and room and board.

Borrowing:If you choose not to save when your child is young, it is likely that your child will have to borrow to help pay for college. For comparative purposes, lets assume you borrow $40,000 in increments of $10,000 per year for 4 years. Assuming a 6.8% interest rate and a 10 year repayment period, borrowing $40,000 will ultimately cost your child $55,200.

Difference: The difference between borrowing and saving is nearly $30,000 ($55,200 ─ $26,000 = $29,200). Thus, saving beats borrowing hands down.

3. The tax system gives incentives to college savers.

Both state and federal laws allow families to earn tax-free interest on college savings. The following example illustrates the advantage of earning interest tax free:

Assume when your child is born you invest a one-time, lump sum of $18,000 in a state 529 plan (see Points 4 - 6 below to learn more about 529 plans). By the time your child is ready to enroll in college at the age of 18, you will have access to $63,000 in order to help pay for your childs college expenses.

If the same $18,000 were invested in a taxable vehicle with the same rate of return as the 529 plan, after subtracting the federal and state taxes that would be due each year, you would have access to only $43,000 to help pay for college.

The difference, which is essentially a government subsidy to promote college savings, is $20,000, all else being equal. Furthermore, some states actually allow deductions for contributions, making the 529 plan even more attractive to college savers.

4. 529 plans are the most popular and convenient way to save.

There is approximately $100 billion currently invested in state 529 plans.

5. Not all 529 plans are alike.

Each state has its own 529 plan. Investment options and fees may vary from state to state, so it pays to shop around. A couple of useful sites for comparing the different state plans are savingforcollege.com and Morningstar.com.

Most state plans have websites that include free electronic college saving calculators to help you decide how much to save in order to meet your saving goals.

6. The money saved in a 529 plan is not forfeited if the beneficiary does not go to college or gets a full scholarship.

Money saved in a 529 plan may be used to pay the college expenses of other family members, including siblings, parents, cousins and stepchildren. The money can even skip a generation and be used for a grandchild in the unlikely event that became necessary.

7. There is no right amount to save. It depends on your financial situation.

8. Do not save for college at the expense of maintaining your normal lifestyle or your retirement.

You dont want to short change the amount you set aside for retirement. If you run out of money, there is no such thing as a retirement loan. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to get a college loan.

9. Two ways to save are:

Save what you can afford after taking care of family expenses.

As was stated in Point 5 above, most state 529 plan websites have free electronic college saving calculators. Other websites, like finaid.org, have them as well. By using these calculators you can periodically check to see how well your savings are keeping pace with college costs.

Set a target figure. A number to shoot for is the tuition fee at the major public university in your state. For a more ambitious goal, you might use the out-of-state tuition charge. This higher figure would also allow you to accumulate enough savings to pay for a good part of the tuition cost at a private college.

Most college saving calculators found on state websites automatically include information on the current and projected (in-state and out-of-state) tuition rates for the states main universities.

10. If you save in a 529 plan and later apply for aid, you may be subject to a very light penalty in terms of how much the amount you have saved will increase your expected family contribution.

If the childs parents are the owners of the 529 plan, they may be asked to contribute some of that money under the rules of the need formula. (There is no such penalty if the plan is owned by the childs grandparents. See Point 12 below for more on grandparents.) Lets look at the example in order to better understand.

If you, the parent, manage to have $100,000 saved in a 529 plan by the time your child is ready to start college, the first $50,000 will not be considered at all when calculating your childs aid award. (This is one of the ways the system rewards you for saving.) Only 5% of the second $50,000, or $2,500, will be assumed to be available to pay for college. In other words, the amount of your need will decrease by that amount.

Thus, one could argue that by diligently saving $100,000, you are ultimately worse off by $2,500. However, if you consider that you are very likely to have earned around $35,000 in tax-free interest over the saving period, you will realize that by saving you are actually about $32,500 better off.

11. There are other ways to save besides 529 plans. To look into other options, it is best to consult with a financial advisor.

Remember to choose an advisor who in very familiar with all applicable aid rules. The need formula treats savings differently depending on whether the parent or the child is the owner.

12. Grandparents too can help through 529 plans.

Based on a recent poll, two-thirds of grandparents say they are interested in helping to pay for their grandchildrens college education. It is worthwhile to know, that money saved in grandparent-owned 529 plans is not considered when calculating the grandchilds aid award. Furthermore, grandparent-owned 529 plan savings are not counted as part of the grandparents estate for estate tax purposes.

Karl SchellscheidtAlejandrina Blog85483
Annmaria Blog62385

Alternative Way to Create Your Own Home Based Business Online Ideas for Making Huge Money Online!

Great online business ideas can lead you to highly profitable online business overnight! Now, I am going to give you an alternative way to create your own home based business online ideas for making huge money online from home. I highly encourage you to generate workable and realistic online business ideas for your success in the future. Youll discover how to create your own latest home based business ideas in this article.

Are you tired of creating your own business ideas for your home based business online? Youll discover how to explode your online business ideas alternatively here.

READ THIS: If you are looking an alternative workable way to generate your online business ideas.

Within this article today on creating home based business online ideas, we will be giving you a few different websites to get yourself thinking. When you are thinking about and creating home based business online ideas, the best ideas can come from observations that you make through your knowledge of the subject. Taking the time to read and remain current with online marketing and business trends will end up paying great dividends for you if you can use this information to your benefit.

The next website that we would like you to visit to help in creating home base business online ideas for you is www.cj.com. This website is very valuable because it has many different quality products that are ready for sell so you can see what the current trends are as far as top sellers, etc. This will go in line with what you will learn in the second paragraph because you'll want to see if you can improve potentially on current products that are being offered.

Additionally, the next website that I would like you to visit to help in creating home base business online ideas for you is www.affiliateprograms.com. This website has many different affiliate programs which you can join and promote or it can give you some ideas as to how you could change potential programs. If you take your time and look through how these programs are marketed, you may be able to see where you can make a change and offer a better product. Much of the improvement that comes through business on the Internet as well as off-line come in the form of improvements on current products. This is what you would be doing if you look at these affiliate programs. See where you could potentially improve what they have to offer. Take their program and offer it with a twist.

Additionally, the last websites you should visit for your make money business opportunities on the internet are: http://www.zMakeMoney.com and http://www.zMillionDollars.com. You will discover wealthy of informative website about how to earn big money online from home with your home based internet marketing business and affiliate marketing business. Those places are ultimately sites on the internet you should visit if you are looking for an alternative to make big money online at home.

I am sure that those above websites have helped you in looking for ideas to improve on. To get new ideas to develop on the Internet you will have to take the approach of traditional business. You must study the marketplace and then create a product that fills in the current need. If you just create a product because you think it is cool, which is not necessarily going to lead to success for you. You need to see where someone has a need that you can fill and if you can do this, you will have great sales. See what your competition is doing to solve needs and do this just a little bit better. Also see what types of customers would shop online at your particular store and also see the culture of these people. By taking the time to see what your competitors offer as well what people who visit your site are looking for, you are putting yourself in a great position to be able to full-fill their needs. This will lead you to being able to create home based business online ideas almost at will. Ideas are most powerful when they are backed by research because there is a solid basis for their success in the future.

Finally, the key factors for your highly profitable home based business online are to generate great business ideas and do an effective research in the marketplace. Personally, I strongly believe that learning from the RIGHT success internet entrepreneurs is the shortcut way for the success in home based business online. I always believe that Dont reinvent the wheel". Reinventing the wheel wastes a TON of your time. Youll save a lot of time and money for building your highly profitable successful home based online business.

Read more great articles about how to make big money online from home at: http://www.zMakeMoney.com/blog and http://www.zMillionDollars.com/blog

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, http://www.zMakeMoney.com and http://www.zMillionDollars.com, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.Angie Blog95831
Anissa Blog52587

Payday Loans What You Must Know!

Sometimes when things become a little tough, we do things without too much thought. Usually because we want to put the tough thing behind us and move on. This can result in jumping in on payday loans and regretting it later. Payday loans aren't all that evil as long as you know what you're getting into and you take some time thinking about actually doing it and how you'll later terminate the loan.

To begin with, payday loans arent always a good choice! Dont get tricked by the ads from the mall, radio, television or Internet. Even if you desperately need some cash until your payday, you should consider all the alternatives first. In my opinion, a brief definition for payday loans is expensive cash.

Payday loans are short-term cash loans. The amount of money that can be borrowed regularly ranges from $100 to $1,000, and it depends on the laws of each state. The average term is about two weeks. Payday loans are made by check cashers, finance companies, payday loan stores, and others. They are also designated as cash advance loans, check advance loans, deferred deposit check loans or post-dated check loans.

This is how it usually works: the borrower writes a personal check for the sum borrowed plus a fee and he receives the amount he or she wishes minus the fee. Fees are regularly a percentage of the value of the check, but they can also be a fixed value charged per a specific amount (like $15 for each $100 borrowed). When the next payday comes, the borrower can redeem the check for cash. Otherwise, he can pay the finance charge again and roll the loan for another two weeks.

To get an idea of how expensive payday loans are, you must know that this type of loan costs on average 470% APR (annual interest), while the APR a credit card is rarely higher than 60%.

Lets assume you want to make a payday loan for the amount of $300, the loan fee is of $17.50 per $100, and the loan term is 14 days. Therefore, in order to redeem the check you have to pay $352.50 when the 14 day period is over. You can pay it by cash or you can allow the check to be deposited at the back. If you still dont have this money, you must pay the fee of $52.50 to renew the loan for another loan period. This means that borrowing $300 for a month will cost you $105. Thats not cheap at all! By comparison, a $300 cash advance on an average credit card, repaid in one month, would not cost you more than $15.

All you need to get a payday loan is an open bank account and a steady source of income. However, lenders are not necessarily interested to find out if the borrower can afford to repay the loan. If you dont pay the loan, it becomes an uncovered check in your bank account. If you fail to repay it, you will get a bounced check fee from the lender and from the bank. You will receive negative ratings on specialized databases and because of this you might lose your bank account and have difficulty in opening a new one.

Because of the very high cost to borrow and the short repayment terms, the consumers sometimes tend to be trapped in repeat borrowing cycles. Reports show that almost 60% of all loans made every day are either loan renewals, or loans taken out by the same consumer immediately after paying off the last one.

Payday loans with three-digit interest rate are prohibited in twelve states in the USA, where they are considered to be small loans or usury caps.

The internet payday lending has become very popular lately. You can apply online and loans are directly deposited into your bank account. When the payday comes, the amount of money youve borrowed is electronically withdrawn. If you choose to renew the payday loan, the finance charge is electronically withdrawn from your account.

Here is a suggestion in order to avoid getting a payday loan. First of all, shop carefully! If you really need that money, try to get an advance on pay from your employer or borrow the money from family or friends, at least you can do this for free (usually). Figure your daily and monthly expenditures, and try to avoid unnecessary purchases. You should also build some saving, so that there will be no need to borrow money for unexpected expenses or emergencies. If you still decide you want to use a payday loan, make sure you dont borrow more than you can pay with your next paycheck.

Bill Darken - He supplies highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well. You can see it here at loans or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - http://loans-only.comBabs Blog53243
Allianora Blog75074

How To Buy An Acoustic Guitar

Knowing how to choose the right guitar and how to identify a bad one, will save you from countless headaches, not to mention finger aches.

Acoustic guitar bodies come in basically the same hourglass shape, with some variations, but they do vary in size, color, wood-type, style, and extra features. You can even buy an acoustic guitar so small that fits into a hiking backpack.

The most common type of guitar in use today is the folk-style of guitar. This is the guitar you will see played around most campfires and parties, and is the one found in most music groups, church choirs, and in the corner of most homes.

Guitars come in a very wide range of prices, but when it comes to instruments, in general, you get what you pay for, especially when you buy new. Theres a difference between getting a bargain and buying cheap.

But whether you buy new or used may be determined by many personal factors, and each has their own pros and cons.

Buying new, gives you a warranty and, hopefully, a return period, if for some reason youre not totally satisfied with your purchase, or something goes wrong.

Under normal circumstances, a used guitar can usually be purchased cheaper and has already gone through its break-in period.

Commercially built guitars are usually mass manufactured. Custom-made guitars are exactly that. They are custom built and tailored to your specifications by a highly skilled guitar maker.

Prices for a custom-built guitar vary considerably, depending on the skill level of the craftsperson you contract the job to, but, as a rule, they are generally quite higher than a commercially built guitar of similar quality. Each custom built guitar is unique and therefore hard to compare in price to a commercially built guitar.


Understanding some of the parts of a guitar will definitely help you when it comes to the Pre-Purchase Checklist.

BODY: This is the part with the sound hole in the front. It is where the strumming is done, and it can vary in size. The actual size, shape, type of wood, coating, and general build of the body also affects how the guitar will sound, whether its a rich and warm sound, or a thin and twangy sound. The body tends to be the part that also gets scratched, damaged, and generally banged-up the most.

NECK: This is the long piece extending from the body and ends at the head of the guitar where the Tuning Heads are, also known as machine heads. The strings travel from the Bridge on the body, across the sound hole, along the Fret Board, which is attached to the front-side of the neck, and finally arriving at the tuning heads where they are wrapped around tuning posts. The tuning heads are then turned by hand, which then turns the posts, making the strings tighter or looser, thus affecting their tuning. Necks tend to warp and twist if not looked after, or if the guitar is left propped against a heat source.

BRIDGE: The Bridge is normally located on the front of the body, by the sound hole, and on the side of the hole opposite to the neck. The strings are usually fed through the bridge first before they cross the hole and travel up the neck to the tuning heads. The bridge is like an anchor-point for the strings. Metal bridges are best, but on most acoustics they are either hard plastic or wood. Bridges have a tendency to crack and split over a long period of time.

FRET BOARD: The fret board is glued to the front of the neck. This is the part you press the strings onto to make chords or play individual notes. Because its glued on separately, a fret board can be made of a wood thats different from the neck.

The strings travel over the fret board and the distance they are above the fret board makes a difference to the playability of the guitar. If the strings are too far above the fret board, then they will be hard to press down, making the guitar hard to play.

When a beginner plays a guitar, initially his or her fingertips are very soft and need to be hardened. A guitar with the strings too far above the fret board, also known as having a high action, will cause the players fingers to hurt so much that they are likely to put the guitar away in discouragement and possibly stop playing altogether.

STRINGS: Acoustic guitar strings, come in a wide variety of flavors. They can be made out of nylon, brass, steel, or a combination. Nylon strings are usually only found on Classical guitars and Student guitars, because theyre easier on the fingertips. They have a rich, warm sound to them.

Strings sets come in different weights, or sizes. Strings that come from a package marked Heavy are usually quite thick in size and sound beefy. Strings that are light, or extra light, are very thin and usually have a brighter sound to them, but are also quieter sounding than heavy strings.

String choices are purely personal taste. Light strings are easier to press than heavy strings but also sound quite different. The more often strings are played, the dirtier they get. If a cloth isnt run over and under them, from time to time, the sound becomes very dull


- Before you buy a used guitar, cost-compare against the price of a new one, unless the guitar is quite old. You could also compare its used price to other used prices by going to an online auction and either searching for the same or a similar guitar.
- Check the overall condition of the wood for cracks, scratches, splits, dents, chips, etc.
- Also check the lacquer finish for cracks and splits.
- Check the neck/fret board for warping and twisting. You can do this by holding the guitar flat on its back, with the sound hole facing upward. Bring the guitar up to eye-level, with the neck running away from you and the edge of the body almost touching your face. Let your eyesight skim across the front of the body and down the fret board. You should be able to see if the neck is twisted or bowing.
- Tune the guitar, or have the seller tune it for you.
- If you know how to play about five or six chords then play them. If you dont know how to play, ask the seller to play them for you. This check ensures that the neck of the guitar is not warped, even though you couldnt physically see it. If the neck is warped, and the guitar is properly tuned, then some of the chords will sound good, but others will sound as though the guitar is not tuned. If this happens, check the tuning again. If it persists, then dont buy the guitar.
- Check the bridge of the guitar. If its made out of wood or plastic, make sure its not cracked or splitting. The bridge needs to be rock-solid, as a lot of pressure is exerted on the bridge by the strings.
- Check the tuning heads. Do they turn easily, or are they very stiff and hard to turn. Even with the high tension of the strings, a quality guitar will have tuning heads that are fairly easy to turn.
- Check the action of the guitar. Are the strings a fair distance from the fret board? Are they easy or hard to press down at various points on the fret board?
- If you are buying the guitar for yourself, and you know how to play, even if youre a beginner, then play the guitar.
- How does it feel?
- Is it easy or hard to play?
- Can you fit your hand around the neck/fret board comfortably to play chords?
- Is the guitar a comfortable size and shape for your body? Is it easy to hold?
- If you plan to play standing up, ask for a guitar strap.
- Do you like the sound, the color, etc?
- If you dont play, have someone else play it for you so that you can judge what it sounds like.


Buying a guitar from a physical retail music store allows you to test drive the guitar and ask more questions up front. Buying online or from a catalog may bring you more cash savings.

No matter where you buy your guitar, if you know what to look for, and spend a little extra effort in your search for that perfect guitar, not only will your fingers thank you, but also your ears, and all those who will come to join you around the campfire, or even go to see you in concert. Who knows?

Happy playing.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of http://musicianhome.com, a site that provides information and articles for musicians at all stages of their development.Alane Blog63085
Agneta Blog96078

Four Steps To Real Estate Investing Success

The following article is the result of years working in the real estate business. It was written to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, as well as address common issues that people have with this topic. I hope that you will find the information in this article helpful.

Real estate investing is always good and sometimes it's red hot. When it's hot dozens of real estate seminars begin rolling across the country and thousands of people spend thousands of dollars for investing education.

It's startling to learn that of all those thousands of eager folks who attend these seminars only about 5% buy even one investment house. Why? The real estate gurus sell the "sizzle" and make profiting from real estate sound easy. The truth is that it's simple, but not easy.

Here's a quick plan that will enable anyone to begin building financial independence.

There are basically four steps to investing in single family homes:

1. Buy homes below full market value. Yes, people really do sell homes for less than the home's full value. The key is to understand that most home owners will only consider a purchase offer that is all cash and within 5% to 10% of their asking price.

The successful investor learns to find financially distressed home owners who have no choice but to sell for less than market value. They have lost their job or been suddenly transferred; they are divorcing; they been living beyond their income; the family has been overwhelmed with medical bills and, not uncommonly these days, their money has gone to support a drug habit.

Those are examples of motivated sellers. They have to sell and they will accept something other than a conventional, all cash offer.

2. How do you find motivated sellers? You work at it! Like any business it is important to develop a little marketing plan. One that is simple, yet very effective, is the one that was proven 75 years ago by the Fuller Brush company; door to door sales.

You are selling your skill as a home buyer to people who must sell. Your are there when they need you and you have the skill to help them solve at least part of their problem. With door to door prospecting you will learn more and buy more homes quicker than any other method. However, most people just won't walk door to door for three or four hours per week. OK, there are other ways.

You can watch public notices for the announcement of foreclosure sales. Meeting with a home owner right after they've received a notice that they are about to lose their home allows you to deal with a very motivated seller. Other public notices that provide buying opportunities include probate, divorce and bankruptcy. You can follow the Homes For Sale listings in your local newspaper or Internet site.

You can telephone the names found in these notices or, and this is the least time consuming, send a postcard expressing your interest in buying their property. It will produce buying opportunities, just not as many as personal contact.

3. After you've found a motivated seller you must understand how to frame offers that provide benefits for both you and for the home owner. A good real estate investor quickly learns that this is not a business of stealing property, but of solving problems in a way that benefits the seller.

The home owner is in a tight spot of some kind and you can save them from public embarrassment and, in most cases, give them at least a little cash to get a new start.

No investor can afford to leave cash in every deal. No one but Bill Gates has that much available money. You must use creative techniques like, leases, option and taking over mortgage payments. Little or no cash is needed for those deals. You can find plenty of reasonable priced educational material on those subjects in book stores or on EBay. The same education that seminars sell for thousands of dollars.

4. You make your profit when you buy! Never make a purchase until you've carefully determined exactly how you will get to your profit. If you hold it as a long term investment will the monthly rental income more than cover the monthly mortgage payment? Will you sell the deal to another investor for fast cash? Will you do some fix-up and sell the property for full value? Will you quickly trade it for a more desirable property? Have a plan before you buy.

There you have four steps that even a part-time investor can execute in three to four hours per week. What's the missing ingredient? Your determination and perseverance. If you will unfailingly follow the plan for a few months you will be well on your way to financial independence.

OK, now that you have finished reading this article I want you to find more resources on this subject. Within just a short period of time you will have all of the answers that you need!

Regine HehnAngelita Blog25212
Ariel Blog90118

Infidelity Recovery for a Relationship: A HUGE Problem

There is much information out there about the skills you need to rebuild a relationship after infidelity or other crisis.

But, there's a prior concern. Powerful emotional and cognitive (thinking) barriers exist that get in the way of using those skills.

Your intentions may be good, but eye-ball to eye-ball reality brings tension. The use of your new found skills evaporates and you shrink back to the negative patterns that create mistrust and distance.

Here's the problem: "How in the world do you and your partner get on the same page and begin remaking your relationship after the ton of hurt and distance you have experienced through the extramarital affair or other crisis?

I asked my clients to list 3-4 barriers that keep the two of you apart and stall the healing process.

I had over 9 pages of barriers that they listed. But, from that long I clearly was able to discern recurring themes. Below are listed 3 HUGE problems:

1. You try (very hard) but you don't get much. You ask questions. You probe. You want to know where he/she stands. You want more information. You want and need reassurance...but you don't get it. It seems that the more you try, the more He/she pulls away in his/her typical manner.

2. You back off. You are scared. You are cautious about what to say and do. You don't want to incite him/her. You feel like you are walking on egg shells. You watch and hope for some sort of indication that he/she wants the relationship. But... you are never sure. And...you feel the pain and tension internally. That's where it stays. You suffer quietly and alone.

3. Your eye is on the other person. You give him/her exorbitant power. You feel powerless to a greater or lesser degree. You hate this! You want to be your "self." But, feel stifled, unsure, broken and don't know what to say or do to break through the impasse. If only he/she would do something!

Does one of these make sense for you? Can you see yourself in this role?

Here's a simple exercise to help you move through this dilemma.

List 3 or 4 meanings that your partner's affair or crisis has for you. That is to say, what impact is the crisis having upon YOU? For example, how has is changed what you think about? how you spend your time? how you think of yourself? etc?

If you can begin sharing the personal impact of the crisis with your partner, you might experience less tension and beging seeing more progess.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, the Infidelity Coach, offers infidelity help and relationship advice for coping with extramarital affairs and marital infidelity at: http://Break-Free-From-the-Affair.com and http://Infidelity-help.com. Get articles and free downloads on emotional infidelity, coping with infidelity, the cheating spouse, signs of an affair, surviving infidelity and more.Aurea Blog15567
Anitra Blog34146

Network+ Certification Exam Tutorial: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

When you're studying for the Network+ exam, you've got to master the fundamentals of networking, because the Network+ is a hard exam to pass due to the range of information covered. One such fundamental is the Address Resolution Protocol, commonly referred to as ARP.

ARP operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model, and its purpose is often overlooked. When Host A wants to send data to Host B, we know Host A must have a destination IP address for Host B (the Network layer address). What we tend to overlook is that Host A must also have a Layer 2 destination address for Host B -- in other words, it's got to have a destination MAC address for Host B. That's where ARP comes in.

Host devices, as well as switches and routers, keep a table that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. This is an ARP Cache, and in our scenario Host A would first look in its own ARP Cache to see if it has a corresponding MAC address for Host B. If not, Host A will send out an ARP Request. This request is a broadcast, which means that every single device on the network segment will get it. (The broadcast MAC address is ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff.)

The ARP Request contains the IP address of the destination host, in this case Host B. The Request is basically saying, "Here's the IP address of the host I need to talk to. Will the device with this IP address send me its MAC address?"

Every host on the segment will receive the Request, but only the device with the IP address contained in the Request will respond to it. In this example, Host B will send a unicast ARP Response to Host A, telling Host A what its MAC address is. Host A now has the IP and MAC address for Host B, and can now send data successfully to Host B.

Since the ARP Request is a broadcast, there is no problem if there is a hub, repeater, or switch physically between Host A and Host B, since those devices forward broadcasts. Routers do NOT forward broadcasts, however, so if there is a router between Host A and Host B, there could be a problem. There is an ARP feature that addresses this problem, though, and we'll talk about that in my next Network+ exam tutorial!

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage (http://www.thebryantadvantage.com).Alessandra Blog27530
Aeriela Blog26893

Solving Cash Flow Troubles For Your Business

What is cash flow and why is it important to my business?

Cash flow as a generic term may be used differently depending on context, and certain cash flow definitions may be adapted by analysts and accountants for their own use. For our purposes, cash flow is an accounting term that refers to the amounts of cash being received and spent by a business during a defined period of time or sometimes tied to a specific project. Cash flow basically means "Do I have enough cash in my bank account to cover my expenses?

Cash flow is king no matter what you do; it is the lifeblood of any business. Hopefully youre convinced of the importance of watching your cash flow - but how do you keep it healthy? Make sure that your cash flow doesnt depend on certain invoices being paid on time. An accurate cash flow projection can alert you to trouble well before it strikes.

Watching your cash flow

This is especially important in the early days of your business. If you know you can stay afloat when things arent going well, then you know youll be celebrating if the best-case scenario happens. When planning the short or long-term funding requirements of a business, it is more important to forecast the likely cash requirements than to project profitability, etc. Bear in mind that more businesses fail for lack of cash flow than for want of profit.

Why should I consider opening a factoring line to improve cash flow?

Lets be honest, factoring should not always be your first choice to improve cash flow. If you can get your customers to pay on time, early or even COD that is the ultimate solution. Besides getting customers to pay on time, you may also want to consider getting a bank line of credit. Bank lines of credit are typically less expensive than a factoring line, but dont offer all of the additional features that a factoring company can provide. Banks want to get their payments on time, but dont assist you in any way in operating your business more effectively.

Good factoring companies should be reviewing your accounts receivable on regular basis. You will be notified when invoice are going unpaid or when your accounts receivable aging is starting to look bad. Many factoring companies will even make calls to confirm your invoices and verify that the payables department of your customer has received the invoice and plans to pay it on time. When you consider these benefits compared with the cost of hiring a receivables clerk, the cost of factoring doesnt look so bad.

Business invoice factoring can be especially effective when used in conjunction with a bank line. Some factoring companies can work with your bank to give you the best of both worlds. Your business can have the low over all cost of bank financing AND the flexible cash flow of a business factoring line.

In conclusion, you should realize that many profitable businesses go bust due to poor cash flow management. Having a factoring line may be just what the doctor ordered.

Greg de Vries is the marketing director for an invoice factoring company http://www.btbcapital.com and an evangelist for meditation http://www.mymeditationcoach.com. For more great information on business finance please visit our web site at http://www.btbcapital.com.Amelina Blog45172
Angelica Blog93362

The 2nd Most Important Travel Item - Next To Your Passport

Its a given that for travellers, the most important item they need to bring at all times would be their passport. Not only is this a valid form of identification, without this, they would not be permitted to go in and out of any country. After making sure that the passport is safely tucked inside their bag, what else should a traveller bring? Apart from his plane ticket, a traveller should always have a source of funds.

Traditionally, travellers would use either cold cash (converted to local currency) or travellers checks. These were sound ways to conduct business although each had their own pros and cons. The problem with carrying cash is that you will always be concerned about your wallet you may miss out on enjoying your vacation. With travellers checks, on the other hand, not all establishments honour these. The problem for both is that, when you run out of cash or travellers checks, youre vacation is doomed. Nowadays, travellers no longer need to contend with bulky wallets or dwindling travellers checks because they have credit cards.

Credit cards are virtual necessities for the tourist of today. Not only do cards give the holder the power to make purchases anywhere and anytime (as most are accepted by establishments the world over), they are also very handy (does not take up too much space in any purse or wallet) and quite safe to use.

Knowing that majority of travellers now prefer to carry plastic money instead of hard cash, credit card companies have taken it upon themselves to sweeten an already sweet deal. Through travel credit cards, card holders (especially those who travel a lot) not only get a sense of financial security even when they are away; they receive something back for every dollar purchase they make.

Just like earning rewards points, travel credit cards allow card holders to accumulate points which they can then redeem against a selected list of products or, depending on the internal arrangement of the card company and the airline frequent traveller program, convert these to mileage points. Some cards may even give card holders free upgrades in their hotel accommodation.

Travel credit cards were not exclusively created for frequent fliers. Even those who only dream of going places are welcome to use them, although they may not feel nor appreciate the benefits as much as those who belong in the target market. Non travellers can use these cards and, when the time is right, cash in on the points they have accumulated through the years.

There are many travel credit cards in the market and it is difficult to choose one based on hear-say or on gut feel. You have to evaluate the individual offers, determine which one best suits your lifestyle and your travel patterns. You should also try to see which card has existing tie ups with affiliates (hotels, restaurants, boutiques) you frequent. This allows you to maximize the benefits these cards offer. If you dont want to be burdened with several brochures from different banks, you can do your research on line. There are several websites that list down the travel cards available in the market and, alongside each card, are some basic information, their promotions, and a summary of their benefits. This brief yet concise format makes comparing cards easier for the consumer.

CardsRatings.net website is owned and run by Gloria Smith. At CardRatings.net you will find a listing of over 100 credit cards. Through Card Ratings comparing and applying for a credit card is made easier. After comparing the credit card offers on site, you can immediately apply for the credit card of your choice by clicking the Apply Online button. All applications are secure, and usually, a response will be sent to you right away. To apply for a Travel Credit Card, please visit: http://www.cardratings.net/rtravel.htm. Aridatha Blog64217
Andreana Blog20792

Selling Guaranteed Sales Strategy to BIG Money

Good salespeople are aggressive, dynamic types. Everybody knows that.

There are plenty of good salespeople out there. They have good product knowledge. They have good selling skills. And they are likable.

The more competition you have, the more products that can do the same or similar things as yours, the more you need to help and advise your customers, not just sell to them.

Great salespeople are an extremely valuable commodity because they are in such short supply. So, what are the bottom line differences between good salespeople and great?

Great salespeople are continually trying to better themselves. They are always layering on new skills while honing the skills they already have.

Dont just be GOOD. Many of your competitors are good and theyre doing everything that they can to be better. Become dissatisfied with good. If you are good want to be excellent. Then become dissatisfied with excellent. When you are excellent, want to be outstanding. Continue along this path as far as you can.

Great salespeople also have a higher level of ambition than ordinary

salespeople. Sure, they want all of the things that money can buy, such as bigger houses bigger cars and more interesting vacations. They also want the non tangible things that money can buy such as respect, admiration and more freedom.

Another big difference between good and great is that great salespeople have a love for selling.

Now, you and I both know that its possible to make a great deal of money selling without having any love for it. So, whats the big deal?

The big deal is that at the end of a long career in sales, you have been competing against people who do love it. This means that for your entire career you have been competing against people who are willing to invest more time, and more energy in what they do for a living because they love what theyre doing.

Putting more time and energy into any endeavor will almost always lead to greater success. This is as true for selling as it is for playing chess, playing piano or playing baseball.

Imagine working for thirty years competing against people like that. For most of your career, you will feel like the salmon swimming upstream. You will have had a very long, very tiring journey, and, at the end of this long journey you will be completely worn out.

But, most importantly, great salespeople are great because they want to get the most out of themselves. The big money is a byproduct of being great. Its just another way of keeping score.

Winner Take All

Selling is a winner take all competition. The customer rewards the winner at the expense of everybody else. If you are even just slightly better than your competition, you will earn much, much more money.

Lets say you and I are competing salesmen, going after the same big account. If you are only 2 percent better than I am - follow-up, service, closing ability, etc. and you make the sale, do you get only 2 percent more commission than I do? Of course not. You get it all. You get 100 percent and I get nothing.

That's why a very small increase in your ability or effectiveness can lead to a very large increase in your income.

Here is the one thing that you can do to give yourself that extra advantage over your competition. This is the one strategy that can catapult you from good to great. By adding this one weapon to your arsenal you can guarantee yourself that you will dramatically increase your income.

The solution is to study and understand how your customer is going to use your goods or services in depth. The best salespeople see things through their customers' eyes. You must not only profile your customer, you must profile their customer too.

Thats it. The fastest way to dramatically increase your sales is to understand and help your customers customers.


Each and every single day, we are being tested as salespeople because clients and prospects vote with the dollars they spend.

Show the buyer how they will make or save money by using your goods or services. It is even better if you can translate that into dollars and cents.

Do these things and I can assure you that you will have all of the great successes that your heart desires.

Gary Wollin is a Warren Buffet style investment advisor with 45+ years of Wall Street experience. He has been regularly featured in The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. He writes and speaks on sales, customer loyalty, and the stock market. http://www.garywollin.comBarbabra Blog50283
Aurilia Blog88629

Castaway Cay

Castaway Cay - a Private Disney-owned Island in the Bahamas

If you are booked on a Disney Cruise, you will surely stop at Castaway Cay, Disney's own private piece of paradise in the Bahamas. Your day on shore is certainly sure to be a highlight of your trip, as Disney had done everything possible to transform this island into a relaxing getaway for you and your family.


The Bahamas were discovered by Christopher Columbus during his first voyage. He called the area "baja mar", which means low or shallow sea, and the name stayed to this day. The British arrived in the 1600s after the Spaniards had left in search of gold, and many British fleeing the American Revolution settled there, along with southerners during the American Civil War. The Bahamas became an independent member of the British Commonwealth in 1973.

Disney purchased the island - formerly known as Gorda Cay - in the 1990s, and spent over $25 million fixing it up, including dredging out the harbor so that the large Disney cruise ships could dock directly on the island without a tender.

Things to Do

There are so many things to do on Castaway Cay - from exhilarating water sports to relaxing cabana massages. Lunch is served right on the island at Cookie's BBQ, so there's no need to stop your fun to refuel. There's also an adult-only lunch served at Castaway Cay Air Bar-B-Q, located at the adult-only beach at Serenity Bay. (There is also a teen-only beach, so there is truly a patch of sand for everyone!) While on the island, rentals are available for bicycles, floats and snorkel gear, and there is also parasailing and banana boat rides to enjoy. Various sports and games - everything from volleyball and shuffleboard to billiards and ping-pong - abound. Disney characters make photo appearances on Castaway Cay, and there is a supervised playground at Scuttle's Cove for the kids.

Getting Around

Getting around Castaway Cay couldn't be easier - you simply walk right off the boat down the path to the beach area - or you can hop on the tram to take you to the main guest areas, or further on to Serenity Bay, the adult-only area.


They say that it's 'better in the Bahamas', and concerning the weather - they are generally correct! Temperatures in this subtropical area range from about 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit, with warm ocean breezes. Enjoy! - you can't go wrong on Castaway Cay with just some sunscreen and a hat!

Stephanie Larkin is the editor of http://www.WaltDisneyCruise.net, as well as http://www.CruiseNewsOnline.info. She and her family love to cruise - her 3 children especially love the towel animals and chocolates left on the beds at night!Arlyne Blog37633
Alys Blog63090

Spam Scams: How Not To Become A Victim

All spam emails we receive every day in tens or hundreds are annoying and disgusting. But the worst of them are scams, hoaxes, and illegal schemes aimed at defrauding you of your money, private information, and even your life. Being aware of how the spam scams work you will be able to protect yourself against the spammers-fraudsters and not to become a victim of their fraudulent schemes.

A lot of spam scams arrive in the form of a great investment offer. It usually works as a Pyramid scheme. Spammers ask you to pay money for a membership, goods, or simply to "invest" promising you much money as revenue. Your revenue will come from those people who will invest after you. Your investment is distributed to those who joined before you. At some point the pyramid ruins because there are not enough new investors to keep the money flowing. The spammer is at the top of the pyramid and he is the only one who benefits. The scan may not always look like an investment offer. The spammers can ask you to distribute some advertising letters to a list of email addresses, for remuneration. Although they will tell you that the list contains only opt-in email addresses, its not true, and you will be sending spam directly from your computer.

Another fraudulent scheme you may meet looks like a letter coming from a company that you do business with. Usually the spammer asks you to follow a link within the message supposedly to update your account. But actually this is done to worm you out your personal and financial information. If you click on that link, you will be brought to a page that will look like a companys web site. While you are logging in or filling the form in, the program is recording your keystrokes and all your private information account number, user name, password, social security number is disclosed. Never click on the links included in such emails. Just open a companys web site in a separate window and check your account details out.

Nigerian spam is one of the most dangerous email scams. The mechanism of the scam is simple. The spammer sends you a badly spelled letter on behalf of a government official, deposed ruler, or relative of a ruling family asking you for help. They have some goods, money, or jewels that they cannot access due to political reasons. They ask you to allow them transfer large sums of money into your bank account. They promise to remunerate you for your kindness, or even leave all money to you. Attractive offer, isnt it? Dont be a dolt, dont believe them. They tempt you into a trap. Their object is to obtain your account number and bank transfer information. They also may ask you to send them a fee to bribe some corrupt government officials. Further you may receive additional officially looking letters where you will be asked to provide further documents, private information, and money. When they have played with you long enough, or believe that you may suspect to be led on, they will rob you and quite.

Take care! Dont react upon any spam message whatever tempting offer it contains. Delete it at once, or let an anti-spam filter delete all spam before you download it into your inbox.

Julia Gulevich is a technical expert associated with development of computer software like AATools, Advanced Email Verifier, G-Lock EasyMail, Spam and Junk Email Filter http://www.glocksoft.com/sc/ More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources http://www.glocksoft.net/sc/.Adrianne Blog2892
Ailey Blog35592

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

When you realize that you have a debt issue going on, you have several options to choose from: do nothing, create a budget, seek credit counseling, get professional debt consolidation help, opt for debt negotiation & settlement help from a specialized company or file for bankruptcy; this last option should always be considered as the last alternative in mind because of the consequences brought upon as result of it.

However, if you are looking to release yourself from debt, you should define your plan towards the following goals: lowering the amount of your debt, getting on a fixed payment plan that is comfortable for you and making sure your credit rating improves as result of this process.

First, you should know the differences between:

- Debt consolidation &
- Debt negotiation and debt settlement

Debt Consolidation and Debt settlement has its advantages and its disadvantages. Nevertheless, they both have one main objective in common, to free the consumer from debt.
Remember, it is very important to completely understand how every step of the process works in order to know which to apply to.

In debt settlement, negotiations take place with the creditors. A debt settlement companys main goal is to convince the creditors to give up a share of the money owed by the consumer.

Here is an example to further clarify this process: lets suppose that a friend of mine, James, borrowed $1600 from me. After a while, when I told him to pay me my money back, he said, Nancy, I only have $700, would you settle for those $700 upfront and forget about the remaining $900. Occasionally, creditors take these type of offers into consideration because sometimes it is more expensive and time consuming to recover the rest of the money. So, its worth it to stick to what the consumer offers in order to settle the account.

Although at first, this seems like the best of all opportunities, it also has negative consequences:

- It will appear on your credit report for as long as 7 years, as a negotiated and settled debt, so any future creditor will check for this info, and that, could avoid you from getting any future credit or loans
- All future creditors will understand this as a warning that you did not fully pay your past debt.

So the question is, When should you choose debt consolidation or debt settlement?

- People that have pending balances with several creditors should choose debt consolidation
- However, if you are in a great amount of debt, do not see any possibility of repaying those accounts off, and taking bankruptcy into consideration, then you should opt for debt settlement.

Check these links to learn more:



Nancy Smith is a contributing writer to http://www.bill-consolidation-and-debt-negotiation.com and is currently writing some special articles to guide business on how to manage debt and avoid bankruptcy. For Free Debt Settlement Information and Debt Help Consultation, call toll-free 1-877-850-3328.Arlinda Blog80560
Ana Blog43324

Part Time Business Ideas that Work

A couple of friends of mine needed to generate a little extra income on top of their wages. They were both into keep fit and enjoyed working out. They decided to supplement their income by becoming part time fitness instructors.

They had to do a course which lasted less then six months and taught them the basics of keep fit. They both enjoyed doing the course and made some great friends along the way.

The money is good and they keep fit at the same time! One teaches spinning on the stationary bikes whilst the other does aerobics classes. They both benefit from free membership in the gym they teach in

If you are good with your hands and into DIY then why not become a part time handy man? Busy people now a days just never get round to fixing that faulty cupboard and the money that they are willing to pay for odd jobs is not that bad either for a couple of hours work.

Start up costs are very low as long as you have the full range of basic tools. Most people who start out working part time find that this can easily turn into a full time occupation!

Do you enjoy gardening? This is a great little earner if you do not mind getting your hands dirty especially enjoyable if you find someone rich with a beautiful garden! The only problem with this business is that work dies away in the winter months.

A mobile car wash can be a nice earner and if you buy all the equipment it can be very easy to clean a large number of cars in a short time. Pick one or two street and whiz around a couple of times a week.

You will need to buy a van with some specialist tools and carry your own water on board. Starts up costs are higher than other part time businesses and therefore this business demands a lot more careful planning.

A photography business can be run from home and it is easy to make a decent income. Digital cameras are so good now that you do not even need a dark room to process your pictures. Start of with the usual weddings and birthday parties. Take pictures of all the landmarks in your city.

More websites are being created every day and all of them need some images. Speak to web designers and take pictures to their specifications. Online networks are expanding rapidly and people need portrait pictures. Demand for head and shoulders shots is massive.

The great thing about the photography business is that you can take pictures all the time. You do not have to be in work mode to snap away! It is easy to build a huge collection of images and showcase your work on a website. Start up costs are now very low and this business can become extremely lucrative once you have built up a collection of images.

Do you have any ideas for a part time business that can help to provide additional cash flow for people struggling to pay the bills?

Naz Daud is the Founder of the CityLocal Internet Business Franchise Opportunity.Alys Blog63090
Averyl Blog98832

How to Get the Best Price for a Cruise Ship Vacation on a Budget

Every year, individuals and families dream about taking a vacation. Big plans often lead to downsized itineraries and travels because of monetary limits. This is especially true with a family. However, with prudent budgeting and planning, anyone can have the vacation of their dreams.

A popular dream vacation is on a cruise ship. Most families stop at the planning stages because they often think that such a trip is unaffordable. Some simple steps can improve the probability of this dream becoming a reality.

It all starts with budgeting. Simple steps include:

1)Make a daily spending diary. Write down all the spending that occurs in the household. Bills, groceries, gas, movies, all need to be accounted for. At the end of each week or month, add the expenses and subtract from all income.

2)Look at the list and see which expense can be eliminated or reduced. Get creative. Gas expenses can be reduced by carpooling. Grocery expenses can be lowered by shopping with coupons, warehouse stores, and private label goods.

3)Open a special savings account for your trip. It is best to have a routine. Some individuals find that taking a certain percentage from their paycheck and depositing the funds in their savings account works well. Other people take any savings from their expenses and place it into the bank. For example, movies can be rented instead of going to the cinema. If it costs a family $50 for a theater outing and renting a movie costs $5, the savings of $45 is deposited in the special vacation account.

4)One of the most important steps in the budgeting process is to write down the goal. Describe what type of cruise, destination, time of year, and total costs. The more detailed the writing of the goal, the more powerful the results. Something special happens when goal setting. Once a goal is set, your subconscious takes the best path to obtaining the written details. By the way, goal setting is very effective and should be used in all aspects of your life.

Budgeting and goal setting is just one aspect of making sure the cruise vacation becomes reality. When the savings account balance approaches the desired travel cost, it is time get the best price for the cruise.

1) Contact as many travel agents as possible to get pricing. Some agents only specialize in one or two cruise lines. Often, individual agents get special promotions from cruise lines and the savings are passed on to the traveler.

2) Ask about cash rebates. Some common rebates include free passage for third and fourth passengers, free air fare, flat rates for inside and outside room cabins.

3) Be sure to call the cruise ship company or check their website. Special deals are sometimes found that arent offered anywhere else.

4) Dont forget to check the online travel sites. Get on the email lists to be notified of special last minute deals.

5) If you are adventurous, you can contact the cruise ship company at the last minute to get special rates for unfilled room cabins.

6) Also consider any discounts you may be able to get with any affiliations such as credit unions, triple A, and senior discounts.

In the beginning, it may seem impossible to obtain the necessary funds to go on a cruise ship vacation. However, with prudent planning, goal setting, and budgeting, you can soon realize your dream.

Darren Takenaga is a serious world traveler and is constantly discovering tips and information to help his fellow travelers make their next vacation a lifelong, happy, memory. Visit http://www.TravelShipCruises.com to discover various cruise packages, itineraries, and tips for a wonderful cruise vacation. Email: darren.takenaga@gmail.com The author of this article has authorized its distribution with the requirement that it be published in its entirety, without changes, including the authors resource box.Alvera Blog99353
Aurea Blog15544

Should You Invest in a HYIP?: Answers To 4 Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions

The occurrence of HYIPs is somewhat new, but have gained popularity at a rapid rate. They have become one of the biggest opportunities to make a lot of money fast, but also one of the internet's biggest scams in recent years. They have made a lot of people rich, but have also made a lot of people lose their money. Should you get in on this phenomenon? This article is a reference to aid you in the decision.

What is a HYIP?: HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program. HYIPs are investment programs normally offered on the internet. They typically accept investments of $100 or less while promising high returns. Interest rates of up to 100% a month is not uncommon. In general the interest rates are ranging anywhere between 5 250% a month. Most only accept payments through e-currency programs such as e-gold because this allows them to accept numerous donations from anywhere in the world.

Where does the money come from?: There are hundreds of different investment strategies used by HYIPs. Some invest in stocks, others in property. There are even HYIPs investing in other HYIPs. Scam HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, in which new investors provide the money to pay a profit to existing investors, which they could then withdraw leaving nothing to pay the new investor. This approach allows the scam to continue as long as new investors are found and/or old investors leave their money in the scheme.

Is it legal?: Some might consider investing in a HYIP gambling. Gambling online is of questionable legal status in the U.S. and other countries, however, the odds of winning cannot be determined, as one cannot know whether one is playing early enough to win money. Thus, it is unlike other forms of gambling, where a player has an equal chance of winning no matter when a ticket is bought, or where the odds of the game are known. In addition, the promise to pay out a percentage of deposits is not a legally binding contract or regulated by a government agency.

Is it worth the risk?: This is a tough question. It really depends. These programs are extremely high risk. There are more scams out there than serious long term programs. Over the years large amounts of people have lost their money as a result of being involved in High Yield Investment Programs. However, if you are aware of the risks, really research the program, and never invest more money than you are willing to lose the payoff could be huge.

Copyright 2006 Timothy Rohrer

Timothy Rohrer is an established author and home business owner. To learn more about a profitable home business, visit http://www.profitmasterworld.comAila Blog22586
Anne Corinne Blog79443

Internet Marketing and the Golfer Mentality

As a qualified PGA golf professional who taught golf for 15 years before injury and moved into Internet Marketing as a career, I was amazed to see the striking similarities between the approaches of people to two significantly different activities. I now focus on teaching IM and apply very similar principles to my Internet Marketing clients as I used to my golf students.

The hunger of people for quick fix solutions has always been something that has intrigued me. I look at society and see successful people and admire the work that has gone into them achieving their goals, no matter what field they are in. The top Doctor's and Lawyers of any age have spent years learning their trade. Sportsmen such as Tiger Woods work at incredibly high level on their sport to stay at the top. Celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, achieve their status through incredible application and work ethics.

It is clear that a high percentage of society look at these people and want similar lifestyles but without an idea of the work involved to see the finished product that we see in our operating theatres, sports arenas, courtrooms and tv screens. The two fields I work in are no different.

Both golf and Internet Marketing allow for the quick fix mindset to take over and ruin our hopes of improvement. both industries are susceptible to sensationalist headlines, designed to draw in consumers.

In Golf, magazines will boast headlines such as "Break 80 in 7 days" or "Hit it 40 yards longer with Tigers method" Equipment manufacturers will boast that their ball, clubs even golf shoes will have you hitting the ball longer and straighter than ever before.

In Internet Marketing similar headlines would be "Earn $20,000 a month in just two hours a day at your PC" or "Warning: You're about to discover the affiliate secrets that the gurus have been keeping from you. The methods the real super affiliates use to make $500 per day, finally revealed by the one guy they trusted to keep quiet" as one particular ebook sales page boasted. The writers of the copy know exactly what buttons to press and which mindset they are tapping into.

The "desperation" mindset, "the easy life" mindset and the "all I have to do is buy the product/magazine/ebook and I am set for life" mindset.

As anyone following this route will know it generally ends in disappointment, and then giving up.

How do I know?

When my career in golf was ended with a back injury, I slipped into the desperation mindset, all of a sudden I was panicing where the money would come from. I found the wonderful tool of the internet, and the sensational headlines of instant riches had me reaching for my credit card. $2000 later I had about 50 ebooks, I had read about 10 and had not made a dime.

Every day I had a new Internet Marketing thought that was going to make me rich, then the next ebook arrived and I was away on something new.

Then as I opened a credit card bill, which had 15 internet marketing products on it, the thought dawned on me that I was no different as a newcomer to Internet Marketing and trying to make money online, than the golf students I had taught for years.

Day after day I would stand on the range and listen to golfers tales of woe. They had watched every DVD, read every magazine, listened to the guys on the TV, spent $3000 on the latest equipment, BUT STILL COULD NOT break 100.

I used to spend my first 40 minute session with such customers, not hitting a golf ball, but by clarifying the thought process that led them to believe that a magazine article could instantly improve them, or a new driver would go 50 yards further than the one they used last week. I used to explain that all good golfers had one thing in common, good sound fundamentals, aim, grip , posture etc. A GOOD SET UP, which enabled them to then swing the club correctly, thus executing the intended shot.

I needed to apply the same techniques to my Internet Marketing business. Of course there is no book that will instantly make me rich, I was chasing around like the golfer, who has a new swing thought every day, I had a new IM idea every day.

In golf it is proven that a step by step plan through the set up will lead to a LONG LASTING more consistent technique. I would put my students on a minimum six week course, in which I banned them from reading, books, magazines and watching DVD's. I would give them one element of the SET UP such as AIM and that was there weeks practice. Once they had mastered that element ONLY then would we move onto the next project. What happened? I built a "stable" of successful clients and had a record of players who consistently improved and practiced better.

The process I went through in IM was exactly the same. First I had to visualise my "shot". What was it that I was trying to build, for the LONG TERM. Once that was identified which skills did I need to execute it. There are numerous aspects to the SET UP of a successful Internet Marketing business, from building websites, copy writing, SEO, advertising, product selection, the list is extensive. Each skill needs to be learned, and then applied, learn 5 or 6 skills you have a SET UP. Just like golf you have it for life!

There is a $10,000 dollar a month income to be made, but it will not fall in your lap. To succeed takes work. If you have the golfer mentality in you, try and recognise it, not only will your game improve your life will to.

Next time - Step by Step through the IM set up.

Iain Higgins, is an active member of the Professional Golfers Association who still teaches golf today. His golf coaching was limited by injury so he then applied his techniques of golf coaching to IM. Having made $500,000 in two years he turned to training others in Internet Marketing. In 2005 he took 12 students through his Immentor programme and 10 now earn 5 figure monthly incomes.Alejandra Blog75873
Amara Blog90739

The Affect of Corporate Events on an Organization

Corporate events such as picnics, holiday parties, and activity days can really help strengthen your business. If you own or run a large corporation or a commercial establishment you will want to read this article. One way that corporate events will strengthen your organization is that they will help individuals and groups become more productive in the workplace. Moreover, the communication between employees will improve. Another area that corporate events affect an organization is that of employee skills. Certain games and activities that are planned during corporate events often are designed to help employees sharpen their skills and abilities. Certain corporate events also motivate employees to learn new skills.

An employee can spend a day or a weekend participating in activities such as treasure hunts or mystery games. These activities help employees learn time management, delegation, organization, and more. Other activity games may help an individual employee or a sales team to sharpen their sales pitches. This is especially true if the job description of corporate executives or upper management is to propose buying and selling deals to other multi-million dollar companies. Corporate events also help foster togetherness within an organization. Employees get to know their superiors better, and vice versa. Fellow employees learn more about one another as well.

These togetherness events usually present themselves in the form of social events that corporate executives and/or employee teams attend. Some of these may be evening dinner theatre presentation, dances, or themed parties. One other corporate event that may be of interest to employees is an award banquet. This is a dinner that usually takes place in the evening at a reception hall or restaurant. It is meant to be a time of recognition for employees who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. For instance, perhaps employee of the month and employee of the year awards will be given out at a corporate award banquet event. Other awards and gifts might be also given out at these banquets as well.

Corporate events are planned all the time. Sometimes these events even planned online. Customer corporate event packages are set up and organized down to what food, activities, wine, and events will be served at them. One more word about corporate events: companies that offer the best corporate events will be likely to present them selves in more of a professional manner. In the long run hosting socials such as the ones mentioned in this article will result in greater profit margins for well-organized companies. There are also pre-planned event packages planned for corporations whose needs are fairly standard. It is possible to order these corporate event packages online.

Your company will be glad that you have decided to plan a corporate event. Furthermore, if you put careful thought into what that day or weekend would include your employees will enjoy it as well. You are advised to examine the websites of local corporate event planner services available in your area. You would be surprised what is available in your companys price range.

John Tarr is a copywriter for Stag Party Weekend across Europe. Learn more about Corporate Events- http://www.actiondays.co.uk/Adelind Blog58430
Ann Blog73831

Borrow Money From Friends, But Pay Special Attention To The Promissory Note

Borrow money from friends and relatives only after careful consideration. Having a fantastic money-making idea but bad credit may point you in the direction of family and friends.

Financial risk will always be part and parcel of any loan. Borrowing money from family and friends highlights a double whammy though. Risk and emotional challenges.

A well rounded, thoroughly researched business plan can be very effective though. It can lower the risk involved and at the same time allay any fears of emotional challenges.

These issues should already have been settled by the time you discuss the promissory note. The promissory note will require a mutually well thought out plan before it is signed.

The Promissory Note

The promissory note is your promise to pay back the loan. The repayment of the loan is set out in the schedule outlined in the promissory note. All successful loans have as their foundation this type of note.

Without it not only would financial protection for the lender be in jeopardy, so would the relationship. The following are some of the protections that the promissory note provides:

1. It sets out repayment dates.
2. It also sets out repayment amounts.
3. Outlines agreed upon grace periods.
4. Indicates first repayment date and final repayment date.
5. Sets out interest rates.
6. Nullifies confusion, and protects the relationship.

When you borrow money, always observe and gauge your lender. An apprehensive yes may mean yes because of your relationship. But otherwise it would have been no. You could allay that apprehensive yes by offering to secure the loan.

You could put up your brand new Chrysler Jeep as security. This may be just the thing that turns the apprehensive yes into a full-fledged yes, with a smile. You have to gauge that sort of response. Be prepared.

Maybe your lenders concern is not the security but the low interest rate. Stay in the zone. You know the person. Again, be prepared. Make a response. It could be the seasonal nature of your product causing concern. Realistically adjust your payments for that time period.

Have you considered a third party? A third party would diffuse a whole lot of discomfort.

When the note has been signed, and the borrowed money received, you must know when the repayments are due. Should you encounter repayment challenges, immediately communicate with your lender. Do not miss payments and leave your lender in the dark.

Should the need for a readjustment to the repayment schedule be necessary, work it out with your lender. Keep communication lines open. Protect your relationship. You dont want a ruined relationship be the main conversation at thanksgiving.

Wycliffe WilliamsAilyn Blog37310
Anica Blog91056

Selling Guaranteed Sales Strategy to BIG Money

Good salespeople are aggressive, dynamic types. Everybody knows that.

There are plenty of good salespeople out there. They have good product knowledge. They have good selling skills. And they are likable.

The more competition you have, the more products that can do the same or similar things as yours, the more you need to help and advise your customers, not just sell to them.

Great salespeople are an extremely valuable commodity because they are in such short supply. So, what are the bottom line differences between good salespeople and great?

Great salespeople are continually trying to better themselves. They are always layering on new skills while honing the skills they already have.

Dont just be GOOD. Many of your competitors are good and theyre doing everything that they can to be better. Become dissatisfied with good. If you are good want to be excellent. Then become dissatisfied with excellent. When you are excellent, want to be outstanding. Continue along this path as far as you can.

Great salespeople also have a higher level of ambition than ordinary

salespeople. Sure, they want all of the things that money can buy, such as bigger houses bigger cars and more interesting vacations. They also want the non tangible things that money can buy such as respect, admiration and more freedom.

Another big difference between good and great is that great salespeople have a love for selling.

Now, you and I both know that its possible to make a great deal of money selling without having any love for it. So, whats the big deal?

The big deal is that at the end of a long career in sales, you have been competing against people who do love it. This means that for your entire career you have been competing against people who are willing to invest more time, and more energy in what they do for a living because they love what theyre doing.

Putting more time and energy into any endeavor will almost always lead to greater success. This is as true for selling as it is for playing chess, playing piano or playing baseball.

Imagine working for thirty years competing against people like that. For most of your career, you will feel like the salmon swimming upstream. You will have had a very long, very tiring journey, and, at the end of this long journey you will be completely worn out.

But, most importantly, great salespeople are great because they want to get the most out of themselves. The big money is a byproduct of being great. Its just another way of keeping score.

Winner Take All

Selling is a winner take all competition. The customer rewards the winner at the expense of everybody else. If you are even just slightly better than your competition, you will earn much, much more money.

Lets say you and I are competing salesmen, going after the same big account. If you are only 2 percent better than I am - follow-up, service, closing ability, etc. and you make the sale, do you get only 2 percent more commission than I do? Of course not. You get it all. You get 100 percent and I get nothing.

That's why a very small increase in your ability or effectiveness can lead to a very large increase in your income.

Here is the one thing that you can do to give yourself that extra advantage over your competition. This is the one strategy that can catapult you from good to great. By adding this one weapon to your arsenal you can guarantee yourself that you will dramatically increase your income.

The solution is to study and understand how your customer is going to use your goods or services in depth. The best salespeople see things through their customers' eyes. You must not only profile your customer, you must profile their customer too.

Thats it. The fastest way to dramatically increase your sales is to understand and help your customers customers.


Each and every single day, we are being tested as salespeople because clients and prospects vote with the dollars they spend.

Show the buyer how they will make or save money by using your goods or services. It is even better if you can translate that into dollars and cents.

Do these things and I can assure you that you will have all of the great successes that your heart desires.

Gary Wollin is a Warren Buffet style investment advisor with 45+ years of Wall Street experience. He has been regularly featured in The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. He writes and speaks on sales, customer loyalty, and the stock market. http://www.garywollin.comAndra Blog44132
Ainslee Blog34865

Health And Wellness Products - How To Make Your Own

Health and wellness products will mean very different things to different people.

Wellness can be defined as 'the pursuit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. For the benefit of this article, wellness products are being looked at in the context of 'over the counter drugs, health supplements and health remedies.

While for some people, wellness products might be viewed as an aid to recovery from illness, for others it might be a means of further enhancing some aspect of their current health. The variety of and uses for such products are as numerous as are the the definitions of wellness products or wellness programs, depending of course upon who is promoting them at any given time.

Whatever your reasons for pursuing alternative care health or health and wellness products, a common goal is to achieve optimised health and well-being.

There are powerful media images hailing the benefits and safety of many over the counter drugs, supplements and health and wellness products, every where you turn these days. They have equally strong claims of being the one and only miracle cure or solution for one ailment or another. How accurate are these claims though, and what are the real costs to you in monetary and health risk terms?

Immediately after reading this article, go take a look and do a quick add-up of the total cost of all the health and wellness products you currently have in stock. I'm sure the figure will surprise you just as much as learning about the very real and harmful side effects which can be caused by some of these drugs or supplements that are supposed to be contributing to your overall state of wellness.

You may also be surprised to know that many of the 'over the counter drugs you buy on a regular basis, simply treat the symptoms and not the real health issue. Needless to say, this approach of focusing on the symptom, side-steps the crucial requirement of getting to the root cause of your condition or whatever it is that ails you.

You're most likely to pursue a wellness product either because you are becoming wary of the adverse effects of chemically produced drugs or because you're keen to recover from ill-health and improve a specific health condition. In some instances it might be that you just want to optimise your current state of good health.

While some health and wellness products can be an effective measure toward improving your health, you should note that long-term use of certain over the counter drugs and some supplements can cause you more harm than good, with the long-term implications far outweighing any short-term benefits. You may well find that you are paying far too high a price on the basis of a mere quick fix promise.

For thousands of years, people in lands far and wide have used natural homemade remedies to manage their health conditions and wellness needs, without manufactured health and wellness products, that can be detrimental to health. They have purely relied upon attaining or maintaining health by plants or by other natural means. It could be argued that with the emergence of chemical and pharmacological methods, many forms of this natural means to health and wellness have declined. In fact, even by today's standards, there are many so-called under-developed countries where inhabitants' rely on nothing more than homemade health and wellness products, gained via natural methods of plants or plant-based extracts.

While conventional medicine relies on scientifically backed research to substantiate effectiveness and safety. In contrast, similar cannot be said about some alternative medicines or health and wellness products. There is no such requirement but their promotion as regard effectiveness are deemed sufficient in themselves as support for therapeutic or wellness claims.

Herbal remedies in general are harmless, however, certain claims being made by some health and wellness products promoters, (under the banner of being 'natural') can insinuate their health and wellness products being the exclusive answer to your health condition or wellness questions, thus putting you at great risk. Secondly, how open are they being about what's really inside? You should always consult your physician over any health concerns, as well as discussing with him/her your intention or choice of alternative means for treatment with any health and wellness product or remedy.

Multi-billion-dollar industries have long wealed their power by way of lobbying to gain exemption from FDA regulation. This has been exactly the case, according to the Skeptical Inquirer, who, on commenting on the 'dietary supplement industry, back in 1994, states - "Since then, these products have flooded the market, subject only to the scruples of their manufacturers".

The above point is an important one to note in that, while health and wellness products manufacturers may list ingredients and quantities being used in specific health and wellness products, there has been no real pressure on them to do so, or to do so accurately. Furthermore, neither has there been any watchdog body to ensure they are penalised for this failing.

So, what are the alternatives open to you? Increasingly, more and more people are turning to do-it-yourself health and wellness homemade herbal remedies. The distinct difference being that in making your own health and wellness products, you are in the driving seat. Not only do you have a full awareness of exactly what the ingredients are and the true quantities, but with the appropriate level of guidance from a reputable practitioner, you're more conversant with any health implications, if any.

With the right know-how, you too can draw on the old-fashioned yet effective sources to greatly improve your health. For instance, using naturally prepared herbs, vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, essential oils and flower essences to create real healing solutions that deal with particular health conditions rather than just the symptoms.

It is in the interest of a health and wellness product manufacturers to promote their products as being the only option open to you. They don't want you to know about the abundant natural resources and health-giving potent attributes of herbs and home remedies which have been used effectively for thousands of years. You see, these remedies cannot be patented because you can make them yourself and at a fraction of the cost.

Whether your goal is to overcome illness, drugs intolerance, allergies or just to optimise your already good health, with a little know-how, you can start making your own health and wellness products and remedies, using nothing more than the readily available natural resources in your home and garden. Not only will you save your hard earned cash, you also alleviate the risk of serious or harmful additives and side effects.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can treat numerous common ailments without the harsh side effects, using nothing but natural herbs, vitamins and nutrients you prepare yourself at home? For instance, did you know that placing yogurt on your face help to bring water from the deeper layers of your skin to the surface, moisturizing your skin for the rest of the day and hiding wrinkles?

Here are just a few more of the many quick and effective remedies you can learn to make:

1. Natural laxatives
2. Beauty recipes
3. Skin care and cleansing preparations such as acne treatment
4. Herbal shampoos as well as how to treat hair loss,
5. Dermatitis
6. Menstrual Pain and PMS Symptoms

Olga Graham is a qualified social care practitioner, life coach and founder of: http://www.health-womens-healthy-living-goals.com. To learn how you can make your own health and wellness remedies, visit: http://www.health-womens-healthy-living-goals.com/health-and-wellness-product.htmlAshly Blog48762
Amelina Blog45172

Borrow Money From Friends, But Pay Special Attention To The Promissory Note

Borrow money from friends and relatives only after careful consideration. Having a fantastic money-making idea but bad credit may point you in the direction of family and friends.

Financial risk will always be part and parcel of any loan. Borrowing money from family and friends highlights a double whammy though. Risk and emotional challenges.

A well rounded, thoroughly researched business plan can be very effective though. It can lower the risk involved and at the same time allay any fears of emotional challenges.

These issues should already have been settled by the time you discuss the promissory note. The promissory note will require a mutually well thought out plan before it is signed.

The Promissory Note

The promissory note is your promise to pay back the loan. The repayment of the loan is set out in the schedule outlined in the promissory note. All successful loans have as their foundation this type of note.

Without it not only would financial protection for the lender be in jeopardy, so would the relationship. The following are some of the protections that the promissory note provides:

1. It sets out repayment dates.
2. It also sets out repayment amounts.
3. Outlines agreed upon grace periods.
4. Indicates first repayment date and final repayment date.
5. Sets out interest rates.
6. Nullifies confusion, and protects the relationship.

When you borrow money, always observe and gauge your lender. An apprehensive yes may mean yes because of your relationship. But otherwise it would have been no. You could allay that apprehensive yes by offering to secure the loan.

You could put up your brand new Chrysler Jeep as security. This may be just the thing that turns the apprehensive yes into a full-fledged yes, with a smile. You have to gauge that sort of response. Be prepared.

Maybe your lenders concern is not the security but the low interest rate. Stay in the zone. You know the person. Again, be prepared. Make a response. It could be the seasonal nature of your product causing concern. Realistically adjust your payments for that time period.

Have you considered a third party? A third party would diffuse a whole lot of discomfort.

When the note has been signed, and the borrowed money received, you must know when the repayments are due. Should you encounter repayment challenges, immediately communicate with your lender. Do not miss payments and leave your lender in the dark.

Should the need for a readjustment to the repayment schedule be necessary, work it out with your lender. Keep communication lines open. Protect your relationship. You dont want a ruined relationship be the main conversation at thanksgiving.

Wycliffe WilliamsAdel Blog53568
Angie Blog95831

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